Arrive early – Yoga is a time to honour your mind, body, soul, and spirit. Don’t short-change yourself by showing up late. Out of respect for your instructor and your fellow students, arrive a few minutes early and get settled. And remember, if your class is popular numbers may be limited for safety reasons.
Enjoy every moment – Please stay for the full length of your class and if this is not possible, please let the teacher know before class.
Leave the centre promptly after your class- If there is a class starting directly after yours, please exit the building/car parking as soon as possible. We love that you want to chat to your fellow yogi’s or teacher -we just need to remain mindful of the timetable and our limited parking spaces.
Choose the right level of class for you – A beginner class is for people new to yoga, less regular practitioners, those looking for a more gentle practice or returning after a period away from practice or after an injury/illness. A general class is for people with at least one year’s experience who practice regularly.
Park wisely – Please use the TYC parking spots (not our neighbours!) and park cars close together. It’s also helpful to leave quickly after busy classes to allow incoming yogis to find a space. Try to carpool, ride a bike, or park further away and walk to your next yoga class!
Keep things tidy – Please return equipment after every class – fold blankets and stack blocks neatly.
Mind your scent – Please pay attention to your personal hygiene before stepping onto your mat and avoid wearing strong perfumes as people may be sensitive or allergic to certain scents.
First time? Please let us know if you’re new to yoga, have any injuries, if you’re pregnant or have a medical condition. Practice safely and keep an eye on fellow yogis too.
Watch the windows and ropes – Keep in mind windows shouldn’t be used as support during yoga practice and if you’re using the rope wall make sure you have direction from a teacher.
Share the space – Make room for your fellow yogis, avoid stepping on mats and respect the quiet.
No phone zone – Truly devote yourself to practice and turn off your phone or leave it in the car.
Use the changing rooms – Please keep your car keys, water bottles and extra clothing off the kitchen bench, reception desk or floor. They’ll be safe in our changing rooms.
Yoga is a discipline – Please respect and follow your teacher’s instructions. Feel free to ask questions after class and during – but keep chatter to a minimum.
We love kids but… it’s not appropriate to bring children to classes. We welcome older secondary school students and full fees apply.
Pair work is up to you – We often work in pairs to enhance learning but it’s not compulsory. Please let your teacher know if it’s not your thing and they’ll find an alternative posture for you.
Hands-on help – As well as verbal instructions, your teacher may give a ‘hands on assist’ to help you gain a deeper understanding of an asana (pose). If you’re not comfortable with this practice please tell your teacher before the class.
Have fun!
Namaste from the Tauranga Yoga Centre Committee 2024